If you have encountered this error, try the following:
Ensure you are using UP 2.x software or greater.
Do a ROM update (even if your current version is the same revision number) - located in C:\Program Files x86\UP\System and click 'Tools' \ 'Update ROM'.
(This is not always possible as the latest versions of ROM are not immediately released)
Switch off the printer at the back
Unplug the USB cable from the PC
Close the UP Software
Unplug the black sensor cable at the back of the printer, then put it back in. Ensure it goes all the way in as the is the biggest cause of the sensor error. (Ensure the plastic coating is not getting stopped by the metal frame cutout)
Unplug the sensor cable from the Sensor Level device, again put it back in. Ensure it goes all the way in as the is the biggest cause of the sensor error.
Switch on the printer.
Plug in the USB to the PC
Open the UP Software
Initialise from UP software
Once Initialised, then click Auto Level
Note: The Auto-Level and Nozzle Height Detect functions will not be available if the nozzle temperature is above 80°C. You must wait for your nozzle to cool before attempting further auto calibration.
These functions can also be performed manually if you need to get up and running quickly, just consult your User Manual for instructions. If you haven't downloaded your manual yet, you can find a link to the download here.
Remember, calibrating your printer only needs to be performed once. Re-calibration is only required if the printer is moved or transported, or if print quality/function is being affected or has changed.
If none of the above mentioned suggestions have worked for you, you can create a new support ticket and we will be on hand to answer your questions shortly. Alternatively, you can give us a call and we'll be happy to help.